Age: Adult / 5'9" / DOB: 1980
1980 - XXXX
Cordial and matter-of-fact, Unit is the cheerful artifical supervisor of the rental faucility. He has a default contempt for anything that moves, and is only able to find joy in the suffering of others. His voice was provided by a real man William knew, although that man is nowhere to be found these days.
Had a walk around body created as more of a tech demo than anything. It’s expensive and fragile, and was never officially completed. Currently it is collecting dust in storage.
Though he was built with no malicious intent in mind, Unit slowly began to absorb the negative feelings around him. As the Funtimes grew to resent him, their hatred and pain inadvertantly formed Unit into the very thing they were afraid of. They saw him as a captor, and being trapped down there for years in an echo chamber of suffering only solidified his role until it was set in stone.
Genuinely not possessed at all.
The hatred for Unit was so strong that he was the only thing left behind when Party Favor left the faucility. How fortunate that Fazbear Entertainment would recover this useful program years later, no?
Respects exactly one person, and that's his creator.